Film is beautiful. It captures the life force in an image. Each type of film has a different look. Some have bright saturated colors. Some have softer colors. Black and white can have stark contrast or be as smooth as silk. Some films are grainy while others are very sharp. Film is like a vinyl record. It has an honest intangible quality.
I use Kodak professional color film and Ilford black & white film. I use consumer grade Kodak Gold 200 in direct sunlight because I love the bright colors. In low light, I use Cine-Still 800T. This is re-packaged Kodak Vision 3 movie film. It makes you look like a star!
My main cameras are the Nikon F4, Minolta SR-3 and Graflex 22. I typically use five cameras during a photo shoot each loaded with a different type of film. This diversity guards against a single point of failure.
Yes. The film negatives are scanned producing high resolution jpeg files.
Yes. You can make all the prints you want and share online with friends and family. Details are in the photography agreement.
No. If you like my work, include a photo credit when you share it.
I do all of the black & white and most of the color processing myself. This, along with the scanning, sorting and image editing takes about four weeks. I e-mail some advance samples as soon as I scan them.